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# Author Title Format Pages Release Publisher Genre
3280 Beniamino Dal Fabbro Un autunno in Russia Hardcover 197 1967 Istituto Geografico De Agostini Travel writing
3281 Geoffrey Faber Oxford Apostles Softcover 467 1974 Faber & Faber History of ideas
3282 Aldo Fabris Metodi di organizzazione del lavoro Paperback 236 1967 Edizioni RAI Handbook
3283 Giampaolo Fabris, ed. Sociologia dei Consumi. Testi e documenti Softcover 490 1971 Hoepli Readings
3284 Don Fabun The Dynamics of Change Hardcover 180 1967 Prentice-Hall Handbook
3285 Leonardo Facco Umberto Magno. La vera storia del'imperatore della Padania Softcover 475 2010 Aliberti Editore Pamphlet
3286 Roberto Faenza, a cura Senza chiedere permesso. Come rivoluzionare l'informazione Softcover 225 1973 Feltrinelli Pamphlet
3287 François Faessler Histoire de la Ville du Locle dès origines à la fin du XIX siècle Hardcover 166 1960 Editions de la Baconnière Historical Document
3288 Roland Oliver - John D. Fage Breve storia dell'Africa Paperback 310 1974 Einaudi Historical survey
3289 Marcello Fagiolo Chiese e cattedrali Hardcover 207 1978 Touring Club Italiano Illustrated book
3290 Dieter Fahrni An Outline History of Switzerland: From the Origins to the Present Day Paperback 150 1998 Swiss Council for the Arts History, Culture
3291 Nan Fairbrother New Lives, New Landscapes Paperback 383 1972 Penguin Books Research document
3292 Carlo Falconi La contestazione nella Chiesa Paperback 498 1969 Feltrinelli Research document
3293 Hans Fallada E adesso pover'uomo? Paperback 318 1976 Mondadori Novel
3294 Andreas Faludi Planning Theory Softcover 306 1976 Pergamon Press Textbook
3295 Andreas Faludi The Poverty of Territorialism: Revisiting European Spatial Planning Print-out 9 2016 Article
3296 Andreas Faludi A Reader in Planning Theory Softcover 402 1978 Pergamon Press Readings
3297 V. Falzone, F. Palrmo, F. Cosentino, a cura La Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana Paperback 506 1976 Mondadori Document
3298 Maria Secchi Famiglietti Cultura e tecnologia Softcover 347 1977 Istituto Geografico De Agostini Textbook
3299 Maria Secchi Famiglietti Laboratorio Tecnico Softcover 639 1984 Istituto Geografico De Agostini Textbook
3300 Uberto Tosco e Annalaura Fanelli Raccogliamo i funghi Hardcover 80 1967 Istituto Geografico De Agostini Reference
3301 Amintore Fanfani Vita economica italiana dall'antichità al XVIII secolo 154 1954 Editrice Studium Historical survey
3302 Eugene K. Von Fange Professional Creativity Hardcover 260 1959 Prentice-Hall Textbook
3303 Michael Faraday The Forces of Matter Softcover 367 1910 Collier & Sons Scientific writings
3304 Leslie H. Farber Lying, Despair, Jealousy, Envy, Sex, Suicide, Drugs and the Good Life Softcover 232 1978 Harper & Row Essays
3305 Roberto Farinacci Storia della rivoluzione fascista Hardcover 298 +392 + 453 1937 Sperling & Kupfer Historical Document
3306 David Hugh Farmer The Oxford Dictionary of Saints 478 1987 Oxford University Press Reference
3307 Richard N. Farmer La direzione nel futuro Softcover 130 1969 Franco Angeli Research study
3308 Mario Farné, ed. Illusione e realtà. Problemi della percezione visiva Softcover 215 1978 Le Scienze Editore Readings from "Scientific American"
3309 Bernardino Farolfi, a cura Capitalismo europeo e rivoluzione borghese 1789-1815 Paperback 416 1976 Laterza Readings
3310 F. W. Farrar The Life and Work of St. Paul Hardcover 678 Cassell, Petter. Galpin & Co. Biography
3311 Audrey Farrell Crime, Class and Corruption. The Politics of the Police Paperback 208 1993 Bookmarks Essay
3312 R. B. Farrell A Dictionary of German Synonims Softcover 429 1969 Cambridge University Press Reference (Dictionary)
3313 Benjamin Farringdon Scienza e politica nel mondo antico Paperback 219 1960 Feltrinelli Essays
3314 Benjamin Farrington Greek Science Paperback 320 1963 Penguin Books Research study
3315 Benjamin Farrington Lavoro intellettuale e lavoro manuale nell'antica Grecia Paperback 143 1970 Feltrinelli Research study
3316 Benjamin Farrington The New Atlantis of Francis Bacon Softcover 16 1964 New Atlantis Foundation Essay
3317 Lawrence Dowler and Laura Farwell The Gateway: a Bridge to the Library of the Future Photocopies 5 1996 Reference Services Review Article from Review
3318 Ruth Fasnacht A History of the City of Oxford Hardcover 234 1954 Basil Blackwell History & Travel
3319 Julius Fast Body Language Paperback 190 1978 Pan Books Handbook
3320 Harold U Faulkner The Decline of Laissez Faire 1897-1917 Vol 7, The Economic History of the United States Paperback 433 1951 Harper & Row USA History
3321 William Faulkner Luce d'Agosto Paperback 387 1974 Mondadori Novel
3322 William Faulkner Oggi si vola Paperback 293 1966 Mondadori Novel
3323 Robert Faure, Jean-Paul Boss, André Le Garff La recherche opérationelle Paperback 127 1962 Presses Universitaires de France Textbook
3324 Sebastien Faure, ed. Impôt - Propriété in Encyclopédie Anarchiste Photocopies 4 1934 Editions de la Librairie Internationale Articles from Encyclopedia
3325 Sébastien Faure La Ruche Print-out 23 1914 Chapter from Book
3326 Sébastien Faure La synthèse anarchiste Print-out 7 1928 Article
3327 Anne Fausto-Sterling The five sexes, revisited Photocopies 5 2000 The Sciences Essay from Review
3328 Giuseppe Fava Gente di rispetto Softcover 251 1975 Bompiani Novel
3329 Angelo Favata Dizionario dei termini giuridici Softcover 446 1982 La Tribuna Reference
3330 Bernard Fay Franklin. The apostle of modern times Hardcover 546 1930 Lincoln History Society Biography
3331 Henri Fayol Administration industrielle et générale Softcover 156 1916 Dunod Classic text
3332 Tullio Fazzolari Sud, maledetto Sud Pages from Magazine 5 1979 L'Espresso Article from Magazine
3333 Sir Albert Feavearyear The Pound Sterling. A History of English Money Hardcover 446 1963 Oxford University Press Research study
3334 Lucien Febvre Problemi di metodo storico Softcover 187 1976 Einaudi Essays
3335 Fedro Le favole Paperback 160 1923 Società Editrice Dante Alighieri Classic text
3336 Demetrius J. Plessas and Ricca Fein An evaluation of social indicators Photocopies 9 Review article
3337 Andreas Feininger La nuova tecnica della fotografia Paperback 464 1977 Garzanti Handbook
3338 Renzo De Felice Le interpretazioni del fascismo Paperback 292 1977 Laterza Essay
3339 Renzo De Felice Rosso e Nero Paperback 167 1995 Baldini & Castoldi Pamphlet
3340 Fenelon Della educazione delle donzelle 202 1809 Stamperia di Gennaro Reale Antiquarian
3341 Fenelon Les aventures de Télémaque fils d'Ulysse 1801 Antiquarian
3342 Fénélon De l'éducation des filles 208 Méquignon-Havard Antiquarian
3343 Edward A. Fennel Figures in Proportion: Art, Science and the Business Renaissance 28 1994 Institute of Chartered Accontants Exhibition Presentation
3344 Fente, Fernandez, G. Feijoo, Siles Curso Intensivo de Español Softcover 274 1983 Edi
3345 John Fenton How to Double Your Profits Within the Year Paperback 211 1981 Pan Books Guidebook
3346 Theodore N. Ferdinand Typologies of Delinquency. A Critical Analysis Paperback 246 1966 Random House Research study
3347 Adam Ferguson Saggio sulla storia della società civile Softcover 379 1973 Vallecchi Classic writing
3348 Alfred R. Ferguson Science You Need Softcover 150 1979 Nelson Study Books
3349 Charles H. Ferguson Predator Nation Paperback 369 2013 Crown Business Business & Economics, Finance, Political Science
3350 Kitty Ferguson The Nobleman and his Housedog Hardcover 372 2002 Review Biography
3351 Marilyn Ferguson The Aquarian Conspiracy. Personal and Social Transformation in Our Time Paperback 460 1987 Jeremy P. Tarcher Mind, Body & Spirit
3352 Niall Ferguson The Cash Nexus : money and power in the modern world, 1700-2000 Paperback 553 2002 Penguin Historical excursus
3353 Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio La freccia nell'arco Poche 168 1992 Linea d'Ombra Essays
3354 Elizabeth Byrne Ferm, Alexis C. Ferm Freedom in Education Softcover 167 2005 Factory School Articles
3355 Patrick Leigh Fermor A Time of Gifts Paperback 367 2005 John Murray Travel writing
3356 Dominique Fernandez Le voyage d'Italie Softcover 681 1998 Plon Anthologie
3357 Francesco Ferrara La tassa sul macinato 131 1870 Le Monnier
3358 Luciana Ferrara Galleria Borghese (Roma) Hardcover 136 1970 Istituto Geografico De Agostini Illustrated book
3359 Massimo Parodi e Alfio Ferrara XML, Semantic Web e Rappresentazione della Conoscenza Photocopies 10 2002 Mondo Digitale Essay from Review
3360 Alberto Ferrari L'altra faccia dell'autogestione Photocopies 4 Article from Magazine
3361 Edmondo Bernacca e Curzia Ferrari Meteorologia, nella scienza, nel folklore, nell'arte Hardcover 204 1972 Istituto Geografico De Agostini Reference
3362 Franco Ferrarotti Idee per la nuova società Paperback 303 1974 Vallecchi Essays
3363 Franco Ferrarotti Il pensiero sociologico da Auguste Comte a Max Horkheimer Paperback 286 1974 Mondadori Textbook
3364 Franco Ferrarotti Una sociologia alternativa Paperback 320 1972 De Donato Essay
3365 Francisco Ferrer La rénovation de l'école Photocopies 6 Editions Couleurs Livres Article
3366 Guglielmo Ferrero Potere Softcover 393 1947 Edizioni di Comunità Essay
3367 Mercedes Viale Ferrero Impariamo a conoscere i tappeti Hardcover 64 1969 Istituto Geografico De Agostini Guidebook
3368 Vittorio Viale e Mercedes Viale Ferrero Aosta romana e medievale 97 1967 Istituto Bancario San Paolo Town History
3369 Marc Ferro La Grande Guerre: (1914-1918) Poche 412 1990 Gallimard Essay
3370 Marc Ferro Nazisme et Communisme : deux régimes dans le siècle Paperback 278 1999 Hachette Historical essay
3371 Roberto Fertonani, a cura Per conoscre Bertolt Brecht Paperback 430 1978 Mondadori Anthology
3372 Leon Festinger A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance Hardcover 291 1968 Stanford University Press Research study
3373 Octave Feuillet Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre 282 1936 Nelson Éditeurs Novel
3374 Paul K. Feyerabend Against Method. Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge Softcover 339 1987 Verso Books Essay
3375 Richard P. Feynman The Character of Physical Law Paperback 173 1992 Penguin Books Essay
3376 Richard P. Feynman The Meaning of It All Hardcover 133 1998 Allen Lane Lectures
3377 Heinrich von Fichtenau L'Impero Carolingio Paperback 415 1974 Laterza Essay
3378 John F. C. Turner and Robert Fichter, eds. Freedom to Build Softcover 301 1972 Collier-Macmillan Readings
3379 Frank Field, Molly Meacher, Chris Pond To Him Who Hath Paperback 254 1977 Penguin Books Research study
3380 D. K. Fieldhouse Theory of Capitalist Imperialism Softcover 202 1980 Longman Readings
3381 Murray Fieldhouse Pottery Hardcover 105 1968 W. & G. Foyles Handbook
3382 Karl T. Fielding Nonexcludabilita and Government Financing of Public Goods Print-out 6 Journal of Libertarian Studies Article
3383 Roberto Fieschi Introduzione al concetto di energia Photocopies 8 1983 Notiziario dell'ENEA Essay from Review
3384 Madeleine Fiévet, Jean-Claude De Tymowski Le diete per tutti Paperback 230 1978 Garzanti Guidebook
3385 Gaetano Filangeri Scienza della legislazione Photocopies 3 Cappelli editore Pages from Book
3386 Gaetano Filangieri La scienza della legislazione 343 1795 Antiquarian
3387 F. Palazzi e S. Spaventa Filippi, a cura Il libro dei mille savi Hardcover 1095 1945 Hoepli Reference
3388 Eduardo De Filippo Filumena Marturano - Il sindaco del rione Sanità Paperback 209 1966 Mondadori Plays
3389 Eduardo De Filippo I capolavori di Eduardo Softcover 839 1973 Einaudi Plays
3390 Eduardo De Filippo Le poesie di Eduardo Softcover 230 1975 Einaudi Poetry
3391 Herman Finer The T.V.A. - Lessons for International Application Hardcover 290 1944 International Labour Office Report document
3392 Samuel Edward Finer Anonymous empire. A Study of the Lobby in Great Britain Softcover 173 1966 Pall Mall Press Pamphlet
3393 Norman G. Finkelstein The Holocaust Industry Softcover 286 2003 Verso Pamphlet
3394 Moses I. Finley L'economia degli antichi e dei moderni Paperback 277 1974 Laterza Essay
3395 Gaspare de Fiore Corso di Disegno Hardcover 1983 Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri Reference
3396 Gaspare de Fiore Corso di Disegno Hardcover 1983 Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri Reference
3397 Ilario Fiore Caviale del Volga, spia del Cremlino Softcover 305 1977 Rusconi Biography
3398 Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore The Medium is the Massage Paperback 160 Penguin Books Pamphlet
3399 Tommaso Fiore Un popolo di formiche Paperback 133 1978 Laterza Essay
3400 Luigi Firpo Torino. Ritratto di una città Hardcover 139 1971 Tipografia Torinese Editrice Illustrated book
3401 Raymond William Firth Human Types Hardcover 211 1945 Thomas Nelson and sons Anthtropological studies
3402 David Hackett Fisher Historian's Fallacies. Toward a Logic of Historical Thought Softcover 338 1970 Harper Handbook
3403 Helen E. Fisher Anatomy of Love Hardcover 432 1992 W W Norton & Co Ltd Research study
3404 Robert Fisher, ed. Problem Solving in Primary Schools Softcover 264 1988 Basil Blackwell Study Books
3405 Ronald A. Fisher The Design of Experiments Textbook Binding 248 1966 Oliver & Boyd Handbook
3406 Trevor Fishlock India File Paperback 189 1987 Rupa & Co. Research document
3407 John Fiske Introduction to Communication Studies Paperback 174 1985 Methuen Textbook
3408 Paul M. Fitts, Michael I. Posner Human Performance Textbook Binding 162 1968 Brooks/Cole Publishing Company Textbook
3409 Francis Scott Fitzgerald Il grande Gatsby Paperback 215 1965 Mondadori Novel
3410 Francis Scott Fitzgerald Il grande Gatsby Paperback 188 1982 Mondadori Novel
3411 Francis Scott Fitzgerald Tender is the Night Paperback 352 1961 Penguin Books Novel
3412 Penelope Fitzgerald Début de printemps Paperback 256 2009 Folio Novel
3413 Ross Fitzgerald, ed. What It Means to Be Human Softcover 251 1978 Pergamon Press (Australia) Essays
3414 James F. Fixx More Games for the Superintelligent Paperback 101 1982 Frederick Muller Ltd Hobbies & Games
3415 James F. Fixx Solve It! Softcover 95 1985 Frederick Muller Ltd Games & Riddles
3416 Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Orazio) Le satire Paperback 179 1976 Garzanti Classics
3417 Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Orazio) Odi ed epódi Softcover 241 1966 Società Editrice Dante Alighieri Poetry
3418 Quintus Horatius Flaccus (Orazio) Satire ed epistole Softcover 303 1967 Principato Classic texts
3419 Robert Flacelière Devins et oracles grecs Paperback 125 1972 Presses Universitaires de France Que sais-je?
3420 François Flahault Le paradoxe de Robinson: capitalisme et société Poche 175 2006 Mille et une nuits Essay
3421 Dennis Flanagan, ed. Technology and Economic Development Paperback 237 1965 Penguin Books Essays
3422 Gustave Flaubert Bouvard e Pécuchet Hardcover 343 1970 Vallecchi Novel
3423 Gustave Flaubert Madame Bovary Paperback 515 2001 Gallimard Novel
3424 Gustave Flaubert Tre racconti Poche 173 1956 Mondadori Short stories
3425 Martha Rainbolt and Janet Fleetwood, eds. On the Contrary. Essays by Men and Women Textbook Binding 340 1984 State University of New York Press Selected essays
3426 Ian Fleming Casinò Royal Paperback 170 1967 Garzanti Novel
3427 Banister Fletcher A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method Hardcover 1366 1961 The Athlone Press Reference (Architecture)
3428 Kenneth Walker and Peter Fletcher Sex and Society Hardcover 251 1955 Penguin Books Essay
3429 Ronald Fletcher Instinct in Man Hardcover 348 1957 George Allen and Unwin Research study
3430 S. I. Hayakawa and Paul J. Fletcher Cassell's Modern Guide to Synonyms and Related Words Hardcover 707 1984 Book Club Associates Reference
3431 Antony Flew Could There Be Universal Natural Rights? Print-out 12 1982 The Journal of Libertarian Studies Essay
3432 Antony Flew, ed. Body, Mind and Death Paperback 306 1977 Macmillan USA Problems of Philosophy
3433 Angelo Flombo Nero da morire Softcover 96 2004 Cart'armata edizioni Cartoons
3434 Francesco Flora, a cura Leonardo Hardcover 220 1952 Mondadori Biography
3435 Marcello Flores, a cura Storia, verità, giustizia. I crimini del XX secolo Softcover 402 2001 Bruno Mondadori Essays
3436 Frederick Dalby Flower Reading to Learn Softcover 80 1969 BBC Books Study Books
3437 Ann Floyd Personality and Learning Methodology Handbook Softcover 66 1977 Open University Press Study Books
3438 Niklaus Flüeler Musées de Suisse Hardcover 192 Société Suisse de Révision Reference
3439 Niklaus Flüeler, Lukas Gloor, Isabelle Rucki, eds. Guide Culturel de la Suisse Hardcover 445 1982 Ex Libris Verlags AG Guidebook
3440 Niklaus Flüeler, Sebastian Speich, Roland Stiefel, Magrit E. Wettstein, Rosmarie Widmer, eds. La Suisse. De la formation des Alpes à la quête du futur 700 1975 Ex Libris Verlags AG Reference
3441 John Carl Flugel Man, Morals and Society. A psycho-analytical study Hardcover 415 1955 Penguin Books Research study
3442 Franco Fochi L'Italiano Facile. Guida allo scrivere e al parlare 382 1964 Feltrinelli Reference
3443 Franco Fochi La lingua in rivoluzione Paperback 372 1966 Feltrinelli Guidebook
3444 Franco Fochi Pisa e il suo verde piano Hardcover 255 1961 Società Editrice Internazionale Town History
3445 Daniel De Foe Le avventure del capitano Singleton Paperback 299 1975 Savelli Novel
3446 Daniel De Foe Vita e avventure di Robinson Crusoe Hardcover 555 1969 Vallecchi Novel
3447 Antonio Fogazzaro Malombra Hardcover 572 1971 Vallecchi Novel
3448 Antonio Fogazzaro Piccolo mondo antico Hardcover 358 1969 Vallecchi Novel
3449 Robert W. Fogel, Douglass C. North Economic Perormance through Time Print-out 10 1993
3450 Fred Foldvary The Natural Law of Economics Print-out 3 2004 The Free Liberal Article
3451 Fred Foldvary The Natural Laws of Economics The Free Liberal
3452 Raoul Follereau Il libro d'amore Poche 63 Fondazione Italiana Raoul Follereau
3453 Ken Follett Il codice Rebecca Hardcover 359 1981 Mondadori Fiction
3454 Mary Parker Follett Dynamic Administration Softcover 320 2013 Martino Fine Books Readings
3455 Mary Parker Follett The New State Hardcover 373 1965 Peter Smith Essay
3456 Pierre Lefer et H.-François Follin Paroles d'un Voyant Softcover 205 1934 Librairie Marcel Rivière Recolte de pensées
3457 Burton W. Folsom The Myth of the Robber Barons Softcover 2013 Young America's Foundation Historical survey
3458 La Fontaine Fables Softcover 269 + 301 1930 Plon Poetry
3459 La Fontaine Fables et poesies Hardcover 362 Librairie d'éducation nationale Novels and Poetry
3460 David Fontana The Secret Language of Symbols Softcover 192 1993 Pavilion Books Handbook
3461 Anthony J. Chapman and Hugh C. Foot It's a Funny Thing, Humour Hardcover 507 1977 Pergamon Press Conference Papers
3462 R. J. Forbes L'uomo fa il mondo Paperback 374 1960 Einaudi Research study
3463 Clellan S. Ford, Frank A. Beach Patterns of Sexual Behaviour Textbook Binding 330 1965 Methuen Research study
3464 Colin Ford, Attilio Colombo Il ritratto I - II - III Softcover 240 1983 Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri Illustrated book
3465 Colin Ford, Brian Harrison A Hundred Years Ago Softcover 336 1983 Penguin Books Ltd Illustrated book
3466 Henry Ford, in collaboration with Samuel Crowther My Life and Work Hardcover 289 1922 Heinemann Report
3467 Julienne Ford Paradigms and Fairy Tales. An Introduction to the Science of Meanings Hardcover 482 1975 Routledge & Kegan Paul Handbook
3468 Anthony Forder Concepts in Social Administration Paperback 186 1974 Routledge Textbook on administration
3469 C. S. Forester Il generale Paperback 238 1954 Mondadori Novel
3470 John Forester Critical Theory and Planning Practice Photocopies 12 1980 American Planning Association Article from Review
3471 Peter L. Forey, Christopher J. Humphries, Ian J. Kitching, R. W. Scotland, D. J. Siebert, D. M. Williams Cladistics. A Practical Course in Systematics Textbook Binding 191 1994 Clarendon Press Handbook
3472 Formez Ipotesi per un quadro della realtà sociale del Mezzogiorno Photocopies 2 1971
3473 Enrico Forni, Mitchel Cohen, Dennis Hale, a cura Gli studenti e la nuova sinistra americana Softcover 467 1968 De Donato Documents
3474 Jay W. Forrester Dinamiche mondiali Softcover 175 1974 Etas Kompass Report
3475 Jay W. Forrester Principi dei sistemi Softcover 1974 Etas Kompass Handbook
3476 Viviane Forrester L'horreur économique Broché 215 1996 Fayard Essay
3477 E. M. Forster Passaggio in India Paperback 341 1997 Mondadori Novel
3478 E. M. Forster Two Cheers for Democracy Paperback 366 1965 Penguin Books Writings
3479 Frederick Forsyth No Comebacks Paperback 332 1984 Corgi Books Short stories
3480 Francesco Forte La strategia delle riforme Softcover 572 1968 Etas Kompass Essay
3481 Francesco Forte Manuale di politica economica Paperback 1211 1970 Einaudi Handbook
3482 Ugo Foscolo Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis 156 1810 Gennaro Reale Antiquarian
3483 Ugo Foscolo Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis Paperback 167 1949 Rizzoli Classic writing
3484 Brian M. Foss, ed. New Horizons in Psychology Paperback 448 1969 Penguin Readings
3485 Michele Mannucci e Furio Fossati I grandi della musica jazz Softcover 317 1979 Longanesi Guidebook
3486 Charles Foster The selfless gene : living with God and Darwin Softcover 270 2009 Hodder & Stoughton Pamphlet
3487 David Foster The Philosophical Scientists Hardcover 179 1985 C. Hurst & Company Essay
3488 George M. Foster Traditional Cultures: and the Impact of Technological Change Hardcover 292 1962 Harper & Row Essay
3489 John Bellamy Foster The Financialization of the Capital and the Crisis Print-out 12 2008 Article
3490 Michel Foucault L'archeologia del sapere Paperback 278 1980 Rizzoli Essay
3491 Michel Foucault L'ordine del discorso Paperback 60 1980 Einaudi Lecture
3492 Michel Foucault Le parole e le cose Paperback 436 1978 Rizzoli Essay
3493 Michel Foucault Surveiller and Punir. Naissance de la prison Paperback 362 1998 Editions Flammarion Research study
3494 Paul Foulquié L'action Softcover 550 1968 Éditions de l'École Textbook
3495 Jean Fourastié Les 40000 heures Paperback 263 1972 Denoël Research study
3496 Ina Fourie Empowering Users - current awareness on the Internet Photocopies 10 1999 The Electronic Library Essay from Review
3497 M. Fournier Le vocabulaire des écoles Poche 332 Gedalge et Companie Reference
3498 H. W. Fowler A Dictionary of Modern English Usage Hardcover 742 1934 Oxford University Press Reference
3499 Robert Stewart Fowler, A. J. B. Dick English 14/15 Paperback 204 1972 Allen & Unwin Study Books
3500 Celina Fox Londoners Hardcover 272 1987 Thames and Hudson Illustrated book
3501 Robert Fox Tomorrow's Library Today Photocopies 2 1997 Communications of the ACM Article from Review
3502 Ernst Fraenkel Il doppio Stato Softcover 266 1983 Einaudi Essay
3503 Tommaso Franca L'origine e l'evoluzione della vita Softcover 107 1936 Istituto delle Edizioni Accademiche Essay
3504 Anatole France Au tournant du siècle Softcover 988 2000 Omnibus Novels
3505 Anatole France Gli dèi hanno sete Softcover 231 1973 Einaudi Historical Novel
3506 Anatole France Il manichino di vimini Softcover 139 1976 Einaudi Novel
3507 Anatole France Il procuratore della Giudea Poche 76 2009 Sellerio Editore Short story
3508 Anatole France Il signor Bergerac a Parigi Softcover 164 1952 Einaudi Novel
3509 Anatole France Jocaste - Le chat maigre 286 Nelson Éditeurs Short stories
3510 Anatole France L'affaire Crainquebille Softcover 110 1998 Edouard Pelletan Novel
3511 Anatole France L'anello di ametista Softcover 167 1976 Einaudi Novel
3512 Anatole France L'olmo del Mail Softcover 139 1976 Einaudi Novel
3513 Donata Francescato, Grazia Francescato Famiglie aperte: la comune Paperback 260 1977 Feltrinelli Research study
3514 L. Franceschetti, O. Visintini Mare, monti, laghi. Indicazioni per una scelta Softcover 63 Università degli studi di Milano Handbook
3515 Francesco (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) Laudato Si' Softcover 240 2015 Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna (EDB) Enciclica
3516 Jeanne Caròla Francesconi La cucina napoletana Hardcover 444 1965 Fausto Fiorentino Editrice Recipes
3517 L. Franchi, a cura Cinque Codici Poche 1934 Ulrico Hoepli Reference
3518 Alfonso De Franciscis, a cura Pompei Hardcover 80 1968 Istituto Geografico De Agostini Guidebook
3519 Andre Gunder Frank Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America Paperback 368 1971 Penguin Books Research study
3520 Andre Gunder Frank Capitalismo e sottosviluppo in America Latina Paperback 373 1969 Einaudi Essays
3521 Anna Frank Il diario di Anna Frank Paperback 257 1969 Mondadori Diary
3522 Philipp Frank Modern Science and Its Philosophy Paperback 316 1961 Collier Books Essay
3523 Robert H. Frank Passions within Reason. The Strategic Role of the Emotions Paperback 304 1988 W. W. Norton & Co. Essay
3524 S. Herbert Frankel The Economic Impact on Under-Developed Societies Hardcover 179 1953 Blackwell Essays
3525 Chava Frankfort-Nachmias, David Nachmias Research Methods in the Social Sciences Paperback 576 1992 Edward Arnold Social methods
3526 Viktor E. Frankl Man's Search for Meaning Paperback 224 2006 Pocket Books Biography
3527 Viktor E. Frankl Man's Search for Meaning. An introduction to logotherapy Hardcover 165 1962 Hodder and Stoughton Biographies & Memoirs
3528 Benjamin Franklin Autobiografia Hardcover 249 1967 Rizzoli Autobiography
3529 Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Hardcover 416 1909 Collier & Sons Autobiography
3530 Daniel Franklin, ed. Megatech : technology in 2050 Softcover 242 2017 The Economist Books Readings
3531 D. Bannister and F. Fransella Inquiring Man. The Psychology of Personal Constructs Paperback 217 1980 Penguin Books Psychology
3532 Giovanni Battista Franzoni La terra è di Dio 16 1973 Tipolito Statimari Lettera pastorale
3533 Antonia Fraser, ed. Love Letters. An Anthology Paperback 247 1977 Penguin Books Letters
3534 Derek Fraser The Evolution of the British Welfare State Softcover 299 1978 Macmillan Research study
3535 Donald Fraser Dictionary of Quotations Paperback 476 1988 Collins Reference
3536 Henri Tajfel and Colin Fraser, eds. Introducing Social Psychology Paperback 490 1978 Penguin Books Readings
3537 James George Fraser The Golden Bough Hardcover 864 1958 Macmillan Treatise
3538 Gabriella Frassineti, a cura Problemi di Sociologia e di Demografia Softcover 189 1975 Le Scienze Editore Readings from "Scientific American"
3539 Irène Fray Devi Paperback 461 1992 Fayard Document
3540 Mark Frazier Philantropy for a Post-Scarcity Economy Print-out 11 Article
3541 Marianne Fredriksson Geliebte Tochter Paperback 282 2004 Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag Novel
3542 Derek Freeman Margaret Mead and Samoa Hardcover 379 1983 Harvard University Press Research study
3543 Eliot Freidson Profession of Medicine Textbook Binding 409 1970 Dodd, Mead, and Company Research study
3544 Paulo Freire Pedagogy in Process Hardcover 178 1978 Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative Pamphlet
3545 Paulo Freire Pedagogy of the Oppressed Paperback 160 1972 Penguin Books Pamphlet
3546 Anne Jackson Fremantle, ed. The Age of Belief. The Medieval Philosophers Paperback 218 1963 Mentor Books Classic writings
3547 Armand Frémont La Regione. Uno spazio per vivere Textbook Binding 203 1978 Franco Angeli Textbook
3548 Philip French The Movie Moguls Paperback 208 1971 Penguin Books Report document
3549 Sigmund Freud Al di là del principio del piacere - Introduzione al narcisismo Softcover 139 1974 Newton Compton Essays
3550 Sigmund Freud Introduzione alla psicoanalisi Softcover 597 1974 Boringhieri Essays
3551 Sigmund Freud L'interpretazione dei sogni Hardcover 589 1973 Club degli Editori Classic essay
3552 Sigmund Freud The Major Works of Sigmund Freud Hardcover 884 1990 Encyclopaedia Britannica Classic texts
3553 Sigmund Freud On the History of the Psychoanalytic Movement, Papers on Metapsychology and Other Works v. 14 Paperback 384 2001 Vintage Classic writings
3554 Sigmund Freud Psicopatologia della vita quotidiana Paperback 263 1977 Garzanti Essay
3555 Sigmund Freud Totem e Tabù Paperback 237 1976 Garzanti Psychoanalysis
3556 Bruno Frey Functional, Overlapping, Competing Jurisdictions: Redrawing the Geographic Borders of Administration Print-out 13 2005 European Journal of Law Reform Essay
3557 Bruno S. Frey A Utopia? Government Without Territorial Monopoly Print-out 13 2001 Essay
3558 Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique Paperback 348 2010 Penguin Classics Social Criticism
3559 Betty Friedan La mistica della femminilità Softcover 367 1976 Edizioni di Comunità Research document
3560 Jeffry A. Frieden Global Capitalism: Its Fall and Rise in the Twentieth Century Paperback 576 2007 W. W. Norton Business & Investing
3561 David D. Friedman The Machinery of Freedom Softcover 267 1995 Open Court Business & Economics, Free Enterprise
3562 David Friedman A Positive Account of Property Rights Print-out 13 1994 Article
3563 David Friedman A Positive Explanation of Virtue Print-out 2 Article
3564 Milton Friedman Capitalism and Freedom Paperback 202 1982 University of Chicago Press Pamphlet
3565 Milton Friedman Essays in Positive Economics Softcover 328 1974 Chicago University Press Essays
3566 Milton Friedman Money Mischief Paperback 286 1994 Harcourt Brace & Co. Essays
3567 Milton Friedman, Rose Friedman Free to Choose. A personal statement Paperback 386 1983 Penguin Books Ltd Pamphlet
3568 Milton Friedman, Rose Friedman The Tyranny of the Status Quo Paperback 168 1985 Penguin Books Pamphlet
3569 Thomas L. Friedman The World Is Flat. A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century Hardcover 600 2006 Farrar, Straus Giroux Social analysis
3570 Yona Friedman Pour l'architecture scientifique Softcover 211 1971 Pierre Belfond Research study
3571 Georges Friedmann Industrial Society Softcover 436 1964 Free Press Report
3572 Georges Friedmann Lavoro in frantumi Softcover 340 1960 Edizioni di Comunità Research study
3573 Georges Friedmann Problemi umani del macchinismo industriale Softcover 452 1971 Einaudi Research study
3574 Georges Friedmann, Pierre Naville, eds. Trattato di sociologia del lavoro Softcover 627 + 598 1963 Edizioni di Comunità Treatise
3575 C. G. Friedrich Die Nützlichen Vöegel Hardcover 127 D. Lebet Reference
3576 Carl J. Friedrich The Age of the Baroque 1610-1660 Softcover 368 1962 Harper & Row Historical research
3577 Carl Joachim Friedrich The Philosophy of Law in Historical Perspective Softcover 297 1965 University Of Chicago Press Textbook
3578 Hugo Friedrich La struttura della lirica moderna (metà XIX - metà XX secolo) Paperback 335 1971 Garzanti Literary criticism
3579 Gunther Friedrichs, Adam Schaff. eds. Microelectronics and Society. For Better or for Worse Softcover 353 1982 Pergamon Press Report
3580 Max Frisch Homo Faber Paperback 284 1972 Garzanti Novel
3581 Max Frisch I'm not Stiller Paperback 384 1983 Penguin Books Novel
3582 Max Frisch Tagebuch 1966-1971 Hardcover 432 1972 Suhrkamp Verlag Diary
3583 Nicodemi Frischlini De astronomicae artis Antiquarian
3584 Roger Frison-Roche Diario sahariano Hardcover 272 1966 Istituto Geografico De Agostini Travel writing
3585 Francis Frith Photographic Memories of Devon and Cornwall Softcover 112 1996 Francis Frith Collection Illustrated book
3586 Marshall Fritz How government control - even local - has ruined public education Print-out 9 2002 Article
3587 Marshall Fritz Restoring Parental Responsibility for Education Print-out 3 1996 The Freeman Online Article
3588 Marshall Fritz, Cathy Duffy Ten Benefits of School Liberation Print-out 2 2002 Article
3589 Claude Frochaux Heidi ou le défi suisse Softcover 151 1969 La Cité Pamphlet
3590 Friedrich Froebel The Education of Man Hardcover 340 1974 Augustus M. Kelley Society, Politics & Philosophy
3591 Friedrich Froebel Friedrich Froebel. A Selection from His Writings Hardcover 180 1967 Cambridge University Press Classic writings
3592 Erich Fromm The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness Paperback 576 1992 Henry Holt & Company Essay
3593 Erich Fromm The Art of Loving Paperback 109 1985 Unwin Paperbacks Pamphlet
3594 Erich Fromm Beyond the chains of illusion: my encounter with Marx and Freud Paperback 172 1980 Abacus Essay
3595 Erich Fromm The Crisis of Psychoanalysis Paperback 214 1973 Penguin Books Ltd Pamphlet
3596 Erich Fromm The Fear of Freedom Softcover 257 1960 Routledge & Kegan Paul Essay
3597 Erich Fromm Fuga dalla libertà 239 1963 Edizioni di Comunità Saggi di cultura contemporanea
3598 Erich Fromm Man for Himself. An Enquiry into the Psychology of Ethics Paperback 198 2003 Routledge Essay
3599 Erich Fromm Marx e Freud Paperback 211 1978 Garzanti Cultural Analysis
3600 Erich Fromm The Sane Society Softcover 370 1963 Routledge & Kegan Paul Essay
3601 Erich Fromm To Have or to Be? Paperback 224 1984 Abacus Pamphlet
3602 Erich Fromm, a cura L'umanesimo socialista Paperback 507 1976 Rizzoli Essays
3603 André Frossard Dieu existe, je L'ai rencontré Poche 158 1971 Fayard Personal experiences
3604 André Frossard Dio esiste Io l'ho incontrato Softcover 151 1969 S.E.I. Life experiences
3605 André Frossard Il y a un autre monde Poche 124 1976 Le Livre de poche Personal experiences
3606 David Frost, Antony Jay To England with Love Paperback 190 1969 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd Reportage
3607 Mercedes Viale Frrero Feste delle Madame Reali di Savoia 122 1965 Istituto Bancario San Paolo Art Catalogue
3608 Luigi Frudà Elementi di metodologia e tecnica della ricerca sociale Softcover 297 1975 Editrice Elia Textbook
3609 Adrian Frutiger Symbole Zeichen
3610 Adrian Frutiger Type Sign Symbol Hardcover 151 1980 ABC Edition Handbook
3611 Carlo Fruttero, Franco Lucentini La donna della domenica Paperback 422 2001 Mondadori Fiction
3612 Alastair Fuad-Luke The Eco-design Handbook. A Complete Sourcebook for the Home and Office Paperback 352 2002 Thames and Hudson Art, Architecture & Photography
3613 Enrico Fubini L'estetica musicale dall'antichità al settecento Paperback 167 1976 Einaudi Research survey
3614 Victor R. Fuchs The Service Economy Hardcover 280 1968 National Bureau of Economic Research Report
3615 Renato Fucini Napoli a occhio nudo Paperback 125 1976 Einaudi Reportage
3616 Félix Rodriguez de la Fuente Gli animali e la loro vita Hardcover 1971 Istituto Geografico De Agostini Reference (Encyclopaedia)
3617 Francis Fukuyama The End of History ? Print-out 14 1989 The National Interest Article
3618 Fulcanelli Le Mystère des Cathédrales Hardcover 191 1971 Neville Spearman Classic text
3619 Buckminster Fuller The Buckminster Fuller Reader Paperback 398 1972 Penguin Books Selected Writings
3620 Lon L. Fuller The Morality of Law Paperback 262 1977 Yale University Press Essay
3621 R Buckminster Fuller Critical Path Softcover 471 1981 St Martin's Press Essays
3622 Roger Fuller I segreti di Peyton Place Paperback 240 1970 Longanesi Novel
3623 Antonio Fulvi Il camping nautico Paperback 265 1973 Mondadori Guidebook
3624 Giuseppe Fumagalli Chi l'ha detto? Hardcover 848 1968 Hoepli Reference (Quotations)
3625 Giuseppe Fumagalli, a cura L'ape latina Paperback 361 1949 Hoepli Reference (Quotations)
3626 Fun-Chang Usa ciò che sei Softcover 1989 Edizioni Amrita Personal reflections
3627 François Furet Le passé d'une illusion Paperback 824 1995 Robert Laffont-Calamann-Lévy History
3628 François Furet, Mona Ozouf et collaborateurs Dictionnaire critique de la Révolution française. Evénements Paperback 365 1992 Flammarion Reference
3629 C. C. Furnas, Joe McCarthy et alii L'ingénieur Hardcover 200 1969 Time-Life Books Reference
3630 Celso Furtado Development and Underdevelopment Softcover 181 1964 University of California Press Essay
3631 Celso Furtado La formazione economica del Brasile Paperback 297 1970 Einaudi Essay
3632 Celso Furtado Teorie dello sviluppo economico Softcover 347 1972 Laterza Essay
3633 Renato De Fusco Segni, storia e progetto dell'architettura Paperback 334 1983 Laterza Essays
3634 Renato De Fusco Storia dell'architettura contemporanea Paperback 533 1977 Laterza Handbook
3635 Luigi Fusi Le vetture Alfa Romeo dal 1910 Hardcover 545 1965 Editrice Adiemme Handbook
3636 Michel Fustier La logique de l'arbre Softcover 159 1972 Algoe Textbook
Dan Friml - Professional design Bruji - A Mac's best friend Updated: 23 May 2019 | Total number of titles: 9'074 | Page: 7 of 34